Sunday, May 6, 2012

Something Special for Mother's Day

Mother's Day is right around the corner. Have you decided how you're going to make the day memorable for your mom? If you're thinking of treating her to a special homemade breakfast, make her some crepes or scones and a batch of this Passion Fruit Curd.

She's sure to love it!

Here’s wishing a happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!

Passion Fruit Curd
Printable Recipe

4 large egg yolks
3 ounces sugar
2 ounces passion fruit puree
2 ounces (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, diced

Whisk together the yolks and sugar in a medium bowl. Whisk in the passion fruit puree. Place the bowl over a medium pan of simmering water and heat, whisking constantly, for 7 to 8 minutes, or until thick. Immediately strain through a fine mesh sieve into a clean bowl and stir in the butter. Chill.

Makes about 1 1/3 cups. Keeps for a day or two tightly sealed in the refrigerator. You will need about 4 passion fruits for this recipe. When buying passion fruits, look for fruit that's shrinkled—that's my word for shrunken and wrinkled—and trust me when I say there's no better way to describe a ripe passion fruit. To make passion fruit puree, halve the passion fruits, scoop out the flesh using a spoon, and strain it through a fine mesh sieve.


Moniqie said...

I never leave a comment, but I'm fan of your blog. My blog is about Paris but I put yours in my list of blogs there. You are a great teacher of the cuisine life and your blog is just fantastic.

Lucy Vaserfirer said...

Moniqke Moraes,
Thanks so much for your kind words!

Amanda A. said...

I am utterly addicted to lilikoi/passion fruit. I used to buy the jam and curd all the time at the farmer's market in Hawaii. Now that I live on the other side of the country, I'll have to try and replicate those tasty treats. Thanks for this, I will surely give it a try.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like an excellent recipe Lucy. I can't wait to try it. I remember last mothers day we had passion fruit mimosas for brunch and was a shockingly good combination. I get all of my passion fruit from They ship fast, great customer service and are fairly priced considering the shipping is free.

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