Grey. Everything everywhere is grey. We haven’t seen the sun in days…or has it been weeks? The garden is bare, the farmers market’s shut for the season, and inspiration has gone the way of the sunshine. This is the time to take advantage of winter squash, apples, pears, lemons, oranges, nuts, and more, only my mind keeps drifting to thoughts of last spring and summer…
Vibrant color…

Green and fresh…


Trips to the farm, sunshine, and harvest time…

Even the humble potato is a rainbow…




Juice running down my chin…

Now that I’m done daydreaming, it’s time to refocus on the present and find some winter inspiration! Hmmm, what does this grey say to me?
this is just lovely, just what I need to see on this freezing winter night!
The pics are so vivid, even veggies look good. I wish I had some of these cherries, peaches, or apricots for my first attempt at Aebleskivers this morning. Thank you for that recipe. -Irina
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